SEKAI LEDUFF (Skai Harbor)

Born and raised amidst the vibrant streets of Phoenix, Arizona, Sekai LeDuff, better known by his stage name, Skai Harbor, has emerged as a dynamic force in the local music scene. His electrifying freestyles and captivating performances have garnered attention across the city, establishing him as a prominent figure in the hip-hop community.

Beyond his musical pursuits, Skai proudly embraces the role of a devoted father to four children. Fueled by his love for hip-hop and an unwavering commitment to effect positive change in his community, Skai utilizes his artistry to spread messages of hope, empowerment, and personal growth.

His lyrical compositions are imbued with raw emotion and unfiltered honesty, delving into poignant subjects such as racial prejudice, societal disparities, mental wellness, and his own lived experiences. Through his platform, Skai aims to illuminate the challenges faced by young people in his community while also celebrating their shared victories, with the ultimate goal of sparking meaningful dialogue and catalyzing social and political transformation.

However, Skai's impact transcends the realm of music. Committed to giving back to his city, he actively organizes charitable initiatives and fearlessly advocates against social injustices. His dedication to uplifting those around him serves as a testament to his compassionate spirit and unwavering integrity.